Friday, January 9, 2015

Hong Kong: Fung Shing Restaurant

This restaurant was actually an unplanned adventure in Hong Kong. The one we were originally going to go to was actually Tim Ho Wan in Mong Kok (I will have a post on it later). Since the Mong Kok location was actually closed, no thanks to GoogleMaps, we decided to look for something else. As they say, most of the restaurants are on a higher level floor due to the high rent on ground level.

For someone who doesn't have a very clear understanding of how the roads in Hong Kong work, it could be confusing to get to. There were actually 2 floors that this restaurant occupies. We weren't sure which one we should be going to so went to the 3rd floor like the people who was in the elevator with us. If you are unsure as to where to go, just follow!

Due to the limited spaces that are available, most tables were shared with another group of people. Although this is highly not accepted in Toronto, it was a more than common practice in Hong Kong. At first I thought it was going to be super awkward having conversations with someone across the table, but it wasn't a terrible experience. There weren't that many options that were available and I'd suggest bringing someone who can read Chinese characters if you cannot yourself.

We had some beef tripe, layered malay cake, deep fried flour dumpling or "haam sui gok", pan fried rice rolls. I wouldn't say anything we had was super tasty or anything to really remember, but I do have some negative things to say about the rice rolls. First of all, it came out super late and I'm sure they forgot about it and left it out for a while. When it came, it was pretty cold and hard. The sauce that consisted of sesame oil, soy sauce and peanut butter was a very strange concoction. I'd say it was more oily than flavourful. The malay cake wasn't terrible, but nothing special and same goes with the haam sui gok. 

Char siu bao is a must have when having dim sum. Again, nothing special. As a matter of fact, I think that it can be comparable to Toronto's dishes. The har gow and lotus leaf wrapped rice was alright as well. This meal did leave our tummy's feeling very happy though. The waiters were really nice to us and took care of us very well. I didn't see him again after we left though or else I would've asked him to take a picture with us.  

The restaurant was alright, but I wouldn't say it was anything spectacular and wouldn't make a special trip for it. It did have fairly high ratings on Google which was why we decided to visit it in the first place. From the picture you can see that the restaurant was occupied by a lot of older people (which normally means that it is really good) but I think it's just comparable to Toronto restaurants. We finished the meal at about $10 each for a total of $20 for so many dishes (plus we didn't finish everything!). I would rate this 2.5/5 stars.

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