Friday, October 3, 2014

Mi Ne Sushi

What's a better way to start off the weekend than with a birthday lunch?! At least it wasn't intentional of us to celebrate a birthday. In a few days will be one of my good friend's birthday and we celebrated by going to sushi! Such a shame I didn't get to snap more pictures of the restaurant but we were one of the only ones there when we arrived so it was a bit awkward. Although of course I had to get a picture of the sushi.
 Don't know if you can tell from the pictures but the pieces were super big. I didn't end up finishing everything off of my plate! This is a Spicy Salmon and California maki set lunch. The total came out to be around $12 with tips and tax which is a little more expensive than what I would normally pay for lunch. 
I wouldn't say the flavour of the sushi was particular good and didn't seem to impress me too much. If there was more rice per roll it would've balanced the fillings a little more. Since there was so much filling, it made it difficult to eat (although like they say, the bigger the better!). Service was mediocre, nothing to really complain about. Probably give this about 2/5 stars, not great but not that I wouldn't come again. 

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